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Jennifer L. Enck


D   610.822.0263
F   610.667.7056

Jennifer L. Enck, Counsel to the Firm, concentrates her practice in the area of securities litigation and settlement matters.  Jennifer’s practice includes negotiating and documenting complex class action settlements, obtaining the required court approval for settlements and developing and assisting with the administration of class notice programs. 


  • Penn State Alumni Association

Community Involvement

  • Race for Hope Philadelphia, National Brain Tumor Society
  • Special Olympics Pennsylvania Fall Festival


  • Pennsylvania Rising Star by Super Lawyers (2013)

Landmark Results

  • As co-lead counsel representing the Maine Public Employees’ Retirement System, secured a $500 million settlement for a class of plaintiffs that purchased mortgage-backed securities (MBS) issued by Countrywide Financial Corporation (Countrywide).

    Plaintiffs alleged that Countrywide and various of its subsidiaries, officers and investment banks made false and misleading statements in more than 450 prospectus supplements relating to the issuance of subprime and Alt-A MBS—in particular, the quality of the underlying loans. When information about the loans became public, the plaintiffs’ investments declined in value. The ensuing six-year litigation raised several issues of first impression in the Ninth Circuit.